To Freelance or not to Freelance: That is the Question Starting a career in theatre can be a little hard on the wallet. Although it doesn’t have to be that way forever. Whether you’re an actor or an administrator, you may find yourself considering freelance jobs. Sometimes called contracts, gigs, etc. These are short term […]
Is It Time for Variable Ticket Pricing? With the holidays looming on the horizon, you may start to hear whispers about an increasingly common practice called variable ticket pricing. One of the trickiest parts for a theatre organization is price setting. Demand changes seasonally, audience demographics shift with time, and a whole host of other […]
Community Theater Driving Ticket Sales Events Just Interesting Uncategorized What Ticket Buyers Want
What Do We Mean by “Audience Services?”
What Do We Mean by “Audience Services?” A broad term often used to encompass anything related to the front-of-house operations in theatre management: Audience Services. But what exactly do these “services” entail? A successful box office team must master the following skills: customer service, sales, and accessibility. These are the three pillars to support a […]
Including Millennials in the Marketing Plan The survival of live theatre lies in the hands of the youth. While education departments and “Kid’s Versions” of hit musicals keep the under-10 age group engaged, it is much harder to reach the 18 – 35 demographics. However, this pocket of younger theatre-goers is vital because these are […]
Driving Ticket Sales Just Interesting Selecting a Ticketing System Ticketing Technology Uncategorized
5 Trends in Ticketing Technology
5 Trends in Ticketing Technology Theatres are not exempt from the transition away from paper to electronics. Tickets are increasingly purchased, confirmed, and delivered through an online platform. These trends are fast moving, but incredibly important to consumers. Here are five of the trends we notice happening in electronic event ticketing technology as theatres of […]
How to Buy the Wrong Ticketing System We talk a lot about how to buy the right ticketing system – but it’s equally important that you can recognize when a system is wrong for your organization. Plenty of organizations make mistakes during the process of choosing new software, and we want to help you avoid […]
Building a Theatre Management Career Careers ebb and flow down all sorts of unexpected paths – perhaps a building a successful career in theatre management is part of your professional journey. If that is the case, there are plenty of ways to establish a connection to the field. While theatre management degrees exist, you don’t […]
Modern Plays by Modern Women – Filling Your Bookshelf Well-rounded artists are well-read people. In the age of the internet, we are never at a loss for new content. This can make the question, “what to read next?” difficult to answer. That said, a great way to start the search for new material is to […]
The Benefits of Hosting Theatre Workshops Actors are often told to pursue classes for the entirety of their career. That said, actors need access to classes. Which is why we want to focus on the Benefits of Hosting Theatre Workshops and lessons in your company. There are plenty of benefits to producing classes through your […]
Pursuing a College Degree in the Arts – BFA vs. BA Colleges have widely expanded offerings of theatre-related degrees. Whether you’re interested in performance, arts management, or technical design, you can find a school that offers a specialized program to fit your academic needs. If you’re lucky, you’ll have a choice between types of degrees, […]