Social Media for your Performing Arts Marketing Plan: 3 Top Tips for an Awesome Instagram Account

Here on the TicketPeak blog we’ve discussed a variety of different topics regarding social media networks and your performing arts marketing techniques. Today we’ll be spending a little time discussing a network that we’ve not spent much time on – Instagram.

In just under five years this social media application has grown from a company of two employees to being bought by Facebook and having over 300 million users. So…how can your organization use this primarily visual social network benefit your performing arts marketing plan?

Let’s get started with a few strategic tips!


1. Define Your Strategy

Like any other social media account, your Instagram account should have a strategy. Furthermore, this strategy should be different from that of your other social media channels.

Image via Seam MacEntee
Image via Seam MacEntee

Since Instagram is a visual network, focus on presenting your performing arts organization in interesting visual ways. For example, try some shots of your organization’s resident building and the surrounding area or some fun behind-the-scenes shots from rehearsals.

2. Decide How Often You Will Share

Unlike other social media networks (think Twitter and Facebook), the Instagram news feed rate is still relatively low-key. It’s really not necessary for your performing arts organization to post every day.

CC Image by Carlos Maya
Image via Carlos Maya

Your best bet is to take a wide variety of photos and then pick and choose which will be edited and shared. This gives you a broader photo pool to choose from and makes it very easy for your organization to time your posts for optimal impact.

3. Quality over Quantity

This point goes hand in hand with Tip #2. Because the news feed rate is slower than other networks, your primary focus with this network should definitely be quality over quantity. Instagram users expect beautiful visual images that tell a story, so be sure that your account lives up to this expectation!

CC Image by Montse Abad
Image via Montse Abad

This means that anyone taking photos for your account needs to understand how to take the best photos with their phone, as well as operate some basic editing apps. There’s a really great selection of free editing apps available through the App Store and the Google Play Store, so there’s really no excuse!

There you have it – our 3 top tips for an awesome start to your Instagram account. Stay tuned for more ways to maximize Instagram’s impact in your performing arts marketing plan! Up next we’ll be taking a look at some of the top analytical tools to help measure your reach and posting success. And be sure to check out our piece on the performing arts Instagram marketing practices of the Broadway musical, Once!

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