TicketPeak Product Updates for 2023

As we head into the new year, we are excited to share some of the new TicketPeak Product Updates available for our TicketPeak users.


Images can now be added on the Donations page. This would be a great opportunity to add your organization’s logo or just include a thank you image.

Additional User Type Added

Clients have asked us for a user type that can do all the operations but doesn’t have access to certain financial reports. We created a new user type named, “Event Operations”. This user type has access to most functions and reports, except:

  • Accounting Report
  • Sales Report
  • Summary Report
  • Allocated Sales Report
  • View, Add or Edit Users
  • Setup – General Settings, or Email Management.
  • View Shopping Cart Donations Report
  • Limited access to the Account page

Custom Text Feature

You can now add a custom text to both your classes page as well as your auditions page. This enables you to add an even more custom experience for your patrons.

Custom Check Label

We previously announced that you can mark when a ticket sale was used with a check versus a cash or credit card sale. You can now change the label from “Check Checkout” to anything else – for example, perhaps an alternate credit card merchant at the door.

Go to your General Settings; under Shopping Cart, select, “Allow box office users to use Check Checkout”. You’ll get a field asking what you’d like to label that button.


Best Wishes for 2023!

Once again, thank you for your business, and best wishes for a great 2023! Be sure to follow our Facebook Page so you don’t miss out on the latest updates!

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