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Welcome to the Future: Why E-Tickets are a Community Theater’s Best Friend

At this very moment people from all over the world are purchasing e-tickets. They might be purchasing an e-ticket for their flight to France, their train trip in Canada, or to see Wicked on Broadway. It doesn’t matter what they’re purchasing it for, what matters is that they are being purchased. Customers around the globe are using e-tickets for an assortment of purposes to help make their busy lives and day-to-day activities run more smoothly.

CC Image by Ron Bulovs
CC Image by Ron Bulovs

What is an e-Ticket?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, an e-ticket is “a ticket for a journey, performance, etc. that you have bought online and which you usually print yourself directly from your computer”. Pretty simple, huh?

Why should your community theater organization consider using them?

So at this point, you might be thinking about how this is applicable to your organization. After all, you aren’t a major airline company, nor are you located on (or even close to) Broadway. Why should you even bother thinking about these new-age things called e-tickets? The reason is very simple: if you want to compete in today’s marketplace, this is a service that people love and expect.

Here are a few reasons why audiences love e-tickets:

  • It’s nearly impossible to beat the convenience factor of purchasing an e-ticket on a Sunday night at 11:30pm in your pajamas.
  • E-ticket purchases can be made anytime, anywhere. All you need is an internet connection and a credit card! They eliminate the
    CC Image by SuperFantastic
    CC Image by SuperFantastic

    trip to the box office or to one of the local shops that is selling tickets for you.

  • Purchasing online is a favorite among the younger theater-going crowd. Numerous easy and secure online banking options make cash a thing of the past.
  • The opportunity to avoid waiting in a line is an incredibly powerful incentive. It doesn’t matter if it’s Starbucks or Saks – nobody likes waiting in lines.

Here’s why you and your community theater should learn to love e-tickets:

  • You can save money on your printing costs. Which leaves you two options: 1) you can pass these savings on to your customers, or 2) you can increase your margin on ticket sales.
  • Tied into the last point, if you decide to pass these savings on to your e-ticket purchasers, then you increase your likelihood of strong advance ticket sales. Strong advance ticket sales for your event equals guaranteed revenue.
  • It’s easy to tie in e-ticket purchasing options with any social media efforts that you might be engaging in. Share it on Facebook, add it to your event page, and tweet it. Better yet, it’s also easier for your performers to share! Sharing increases your potential audience pool, as well as your community theater’s overall visibility. Talk about effective multi-tasking!
  • Last but not least, your audience loves them. And shouldn’t you love (or at least take an interest in) the things that your paying customers love?

So there you have it. E-tickets are a convenience that audiences love and appreciate. Better yet, they will also help your community theater organization to save money and your events to have the potential to reach a wider audience. At the end of the day this is a win-win situation for everyone involved!

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