What Customers Love about Online Event Ticketing Systems

Online Event Ticketing System HappyAs reported in a previous post, we recently surveyed 200 people and asked about a recent ticket buying experience. We asked several questions about how they felt about the event organizer’s online event ticketing system and the overall process for buying and receiving tickets. In analyzing the results, three questions were focused on were:

  1. What did you like about your ticket buying experience?
  2. What did you dislike about your ticket buying experience?
  3. What suggestions do you have for improvements

About half of the respondents had recently purchased tickets online using the venue’s online ticket solution, and about half had made their purchase in-person. (A handful had placed phone orders, but not enough to analyze.) This post focuses on what people said they like about buying online.

Overview of Likes

Although the respondents answered in free text format, most of the answers fell into certain categories. The following chart shows the percentage of respondents who stated a like in each of the summarized categories:

What Customers Like about Buying Online

Online Event Ticketing System Likes

Ticket Buyers Love the Convenience, Speed and Ease

The first observation is that there is not one category that dominates all others. Respondents were relatively evenly split on Convenient, Quick and Easy. Interestingly, if you combine all three, you find that roughly 80% of respondents say the main advantage of the online event ticketing system is the convenience, speed and ease. If your system does not provide these advantages, you are missing an opportunity to give your customers what they appreciate.

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Here are some comments from the respondents:

  • It took very little time to complete. Simple process.
  • Easy to find the details about the various options available for ticket rates and times.
  • It is easy and open 24 hours per day.
  • It was quite fast.
  • Quick and easy. Even showed the receipt on screen and sent tickets to my email.
  • We can get the ticket from wherever, even from home.
  • It was easy to pick the event, and pay.
  • It was easy and I could do it from my home in seconds.

They Also Like Choosing Their Own Seats

Approximately 15% of respondents stated “Ability to Choose Seats” as the main benefit they enjoyed from the online event ticketing system. While 15% does not sound that high, consider that they mentioned that feature over convenience, speed and ease of use. Also, only about half of the respondents were buying tickets for a reserved seating event. So of the people buying tickets for a reserved seating event, about 30% said that the ability to choose their own seats was the main benefit.

People also were confident that the online event ticketing system was secure. Many appreciated being able to complete the transaction from home. And several stated they liked being able to peruse the list of events for that venue and be able to select the event and time from home.

Representative comments include:

  • I loved the ability to choose seats myself and look at different seat options.
  • It gave me the freedom to choose from available seats. That was nice.
  • Seat availability is visible.
  • I liked being able to see the final order on my screen before hitting “Buy”.
  • Trustworthy.


If you are selling tickets online, it is always a good idea to ask your customers what they thought of the online ticket buying experience. If you do not hear things like the features reported above, you are missing an opportunity to delight your customers. If you are looking for a new online event ticketing system, we suggest talking to references of the system you are considering and asking them if they believe their customers are enjoying ease, convenience and the ability to choose seats. You’ll want to choose a system where references are giving a resounding “Yes”!

Interested in more information about how to select a ticket solution? Download our White Paper.

Online Event Ticketing System Happy


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