What You Need To Know About the Ticketmaster.com Class Action Settlement

You may be entitled to benefits from this Class Action Settlement if you bought tickets from www.ticketmaster.com between October 21, 1999 and February 27, 2013.
You are considered a Class Member if you satisfy all of the following stipulations:
- You purchased tickets on the Ticketmaster.com website between the dates mentioned above.
- You paid money to Ticketmaster for an Order Processing Fee that was not fully refunded.
- You were a resident of the United States at the time of your purchase.
You are considered a UPS Subclass Member if you purchased UPS delivery in connection with the purchase of your tickets.
The Class is represented by Lead Class Counsel, Robert J Stein III, Esq. and Steven P. Blonder, Esq., both of whom have been litigating the case since it was filed in 2003.
What are the benefits of the settlement?
- If approved, Ticketmaster will issue approximately $386 million in Discount Codes to Class Members, which will be valid for four years, and will allow Class Members to receive discounts on future UPS ticket deliveries.
- If Class Members do not use at least $42 million worth of codes, Ticketmaster has agreed to make free tickets for certain events available to Class Members on a first come, first serve basis.
The Final Approval Hearing will appear before the Los Angeles Superior Court on January 13, 2015. At this time the court will decide whether or not to approve the Settlement.
How do I participate in the Settlement?
- You do not have to opt in to participate in the Settlement. If approved, you will automatically receive all Discount Codes that you are entitled to.
How do I opt out of the Settlement?
- If you wish to be excluded from the case, you need to send a written request to the Claims Administrator. If you opt out, you will not receive any benefits of the Settlement, you will not release your claims against Ticketmaster, and you will not be bound by any judgment in this case.
- A written request to opt out must be postmarked or submitted as of September 15, 2014.
Five Ticketmaster customers filed a class action lawsuit asserting that Ticketmaster’s Order Processing Fees and UPS Expedited Delivery Price of tickets are excessive and deceptive.

Stay tuned for further news on the final terms of the settlement!
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